DMCC Blog Replacing Quarterly E-Newsletter
Now that the new county website has a blog function, the quarterly Wild River Ramblings e-newsletter has been scrapped. The content normally found in the newsletter will be delivered in regular blog posts.Chris Lee, Executive Director
Blogs are nothing new in the internet age. But prior to the launch of this new county website, we didn't have an easy way of "blogging" on any regular basis and in such a way that we could count on the content being delivered to subscribers' inboxes. But with the launch of this new site, that all changes.
So going forward, you can expect to receive much of the same content that you normally received through the quarterly Wild River Ramblings e-newsletter but in smaller, more timely snippets. If you were a subscriber to the newsletter, you should already be a subscriber to the blog as we believe we transferred the whole subscriber list to the new site. But technology being what it is, it might not hurt to sign up anyway using this form and checking the "Conservation Blog" box at the bottom.
Hopefully you like this new format. If you have any feedback, please feel free to contact us at conservation@dmcounty.com or call our main office at (319) 753-8260.
published Thursday, January 5, 2023