Volunteer Camp Hosts needed for 2023 camping season
DMCC is looking for volunteer camp hosts for 4th Pumping Station and Welter Recreation Area campgroundsChris Lee, Executive Director
Want to spend your summer living in a beautiful county park? This could be the opportunity you've been waiting for!
We're looking for volunteers to serve as camp hosts at our 4th Pumping Station and Welter Recreation Area campgrounds.
The Campground Host is a temporary, full-time volunteer who provides services in the management of public campgrounds during the primary camping season (mid-May to mid-September). The Host’s main goal will be to ensure that each park visitor has an enjoyable experience. Campground Hosts serve as the first source of park information and therefore must be well informed about their area, professional, and able to communicate effectively with the public. The Campground Host is responsible for keeping park facilities (i.e. restrooms, registration kiosks) clean and supplied and makes sure park rules are being followed. Most violations are caused by misunderstanding and are quite unintentional, and therefore easily handled. Beyond drawing attention to/explaining the park rules, the Host does not serve in any enforcement capacity. The Host reports any and all direct, intentional violations (along with necessary information such as license plate numbers) to the Park Ranger or other law enforcement personnel to be handled accordingly. The Host assists users with camping registration and oversees firewood sales.
For more information, the full "job" description, and a link to apply online, click here.
Positions will remain open until filled.
published Tuesday, January 17, 2023